About Me
Hey guys. I’m Bryce. I’m from Durham, Ontario. I’ve always loved drawing and making things for my friends and family. Now that I’ve spent a few years exploring my skills and learning new techniques, I’m excited to share them with others.
As a kid I loved Dinosaurs, and drawing and painting them is where my creative journey started. Wanting to reconnect with an old passion, I started doing a painting once a week of a different dinosaur and researching interesting facts about them. Thinking others might be interested in my paintings the way they were interested in my airbrush art, I began documenting the process and posting it on social media. I couldn’t believe it when people took a real interest in my work, enough that they have given me an online persona. Now creating under the pseudonym, “Dino Ross”, I have an amazing following of people who I cannot thank enough for making me feel accepted in the turbulent waters of the internet. I hope to be able to share my paintings with everyone who loves them, and that’s why I have created this online store, so people can have their own piece of Dino Ross art.
Growing up, I never thought of art as a viable career path, but it really is amazing what you can accomplish if you’re willing to work at it. Thank you all for the support and kindness.
It was at university where I fell in love with wood working. Having worked as a carpenter for a number of years prior to going to school, I was already familiar with wood working, but my studies provided me the opportunity to nurture my expression of the craft through developing a greater appreciation for the finer details. It was a part of my masters to study Danish furniture, and build my own interpretation of one of Hans Wagner’s original chairs. A number of my classmates and I built a beautiful interpretation of one of his cross legged tables to situate our chairs around. Since then, I have joined a local architecture firm, and focused many of my constructive efforts on updating and renovating the home I share with my girlfriend. Furniture building and wood art have also remained hobbies of mine.
Airbrush art is an additional skill that I took up while away at school. I’ve always loved cars, and had a fascination with artists who could make them come to life, but my first airbrush was bought to use for architectural models and drawings. For a long time, my airbrush art was exclusively for my entertainment and use in school projects, but since my graduation I’ve been lucky enough to get a number of commissions. Until recently, I had never imagined my art would be something others would see as valuable, but I’m very grateful and look forward to helping more people express themselves.